Saturday, September 25, 2010

Feature: 32 pledges to fulfill in 120 days: How did they do?

Kamla Persad-Bissessar and the People's Partnership promised during the May 2010 general election campaign to fulfill with the first 120 days in office, 32 items, which it listed in its manifesto, titled: Prosperity for All.

Persad-Bissessar took the oath of office on May 26, two days after the historic landslide victory against the PNM, and immediately got to work, dealing with massive flooding across the country.

Two days later, she named her cabinet. And four months later, she has fulfilled a majority of her pledges - at least 20 of the 32 from our count - a first for any government in Trinidad and Tobago. (For quick reference GREEN is for done; RED is for in progress)

Here's what they promised and what they delivered:

1. Laptop computers for all SEA students entering secondary schools for the first time (Done - distribution in progress)
2. Expand and improve GATE (Done)
3. Change senior citizens grant to senior citizens' pension of $3,000 a month (Done)
4. Kill the property tax legislation (Done - legislative process pending)
5. Have an integrated approach to address flooding and food security (Done)
6. Re-afforestation of areas burnt in last dry season (just beginning)
7. Rehabilitate and pave existing access roads, build new ones (In progress)
8. Establish the Ministry of the People (Done)
9. Review the minimum wage (Done - change to $12.50 an hour from $9)
10. Launch first phase of an anti-crime plan (Done)
11. Identify and address fundamental problems affecting law and order (Done)

12. Increase police presence everywhere (In progress)
13. Connect all police stations to a national operations centre (In progress)
14. Review and strengthen laws to combat white-collar crime (In progress)
15. Strengthen the National Security Council (Done)
16. Review challenges at the nation’s public hospitals (In progress)
17. Establish a $100 million LIFE fund for children (Done - legislation to be passed)
18. Camera technology at traffic lights, system for ticketing offenders (In progress)
19. Government ministries must develop strategic plans in first 60 days (Done)
20. Establish an Economic Development Board (Done)
21. Establish a Civil Society Board (In progress)
22. Consultations on a coherent export strategy (In progress)
23. Initiate a forensic audit on Petrotrin and other state bodies (Done - team to report to AG)
24. Establish a legislative agenda (Done)
25. Establish a time table for constitutional reform (Done)
26. Determine the true state of the country’s economy (Done)
27. Share government budget priorities with the public (Done)
28. Develop a plan to complete all infrastructural projects in train in Tobago (Done)
29. Form a committee to make government services more accessible in Tobago (Done)
30. Repair leaks in all WASA lines (In Progress)
31. Each minister to provide one-year action plan to Cabinet (Done)
32. Review poverty alleviation programmes (In progress)

In addition to the list above, the People's Partnership government has:

  • prepared a delivered a people-friendly
  • gone beyond a review of the minmum wage and incrased it from $9 to $12.50 an hour
  • introduced rescue packages for CL and HCU
  • started the process of absorbing SAUTT officers into the regular police service

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Regarding point 6. Reforestation. This is definitely not done. In fact if it has even been started it does not show. Large areas of the northern range have re4ceived zero attention.
Thank you.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai