Thursday, June 24, 2010

Heart surgery successful; Volney resting

Trinidad and Tobago's Justice Minister Herbert Volney underwent quadruple heart bypass surgery Wednesday at the Mount Hope Medical Sciences Complex.

Reports from the hospital said the surgery went well and the minister is resting comfortably.

Volney checked himself into the institution Tuesday for a check up after experiencing some discomfort.

"Our prayers are with him," Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar said after visitng Volney Tuesday night.

She told reporters the minister appeared to be in "good spirits".

She explained that tests done at the hospital showed blockages to the arteries. However, she said Volney's heart had suffered no damage and the "preferred treatment recommended by doctors is for bypass surgery."

She said doctors ruled out angioplasty because of the gravity of the problem.

Recuperation from such procedures varies according to the general health of the patients, but most people are mobile again within a few days.

The Prime Minister said during Volney's medical absence Legal Affairs Minister Prakash Ramadhar will take over the Ministry of Justice portfolio.

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