Thursday, June 24, 2010

T&T Gov't to choose Canadian Neal Parker for police chief

The Order paper for Friday's sitting of Parliament shows that the government will move a motion to accept the recommendation of the Police Service Commission (PSC) to appoint Canadian Neal Parker as the Commissioner of Police.

Parker is at the top of the merit list of five that the PSC sent to the President on June 11.

The resolution states:
"Whearas the Police Service Commission has submitted to the President the name Mr. Neal Parker as the person nominated for appointment to the office of Commissioner of Police... BE IT RESOLVED that the Notification of the President of the nomination by the Police Service Commission of Mr. Neal Parker to the office of Commissioner of Police be approved."

Parker is a former member of Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and has served in St Lucia and Antigua in senior positions in the police service in both countries.

Opposition Leader Keith Rowley is likely to oppose the move since he is on record as saying that Trinidad and Tobago should not have a foreigner as its police chief.

The government will also recommend that the Parliament approve the PSC recommendation to appoint Stephen Williams as Deputy Commissioner of Police.

And it will also ask that Maurice Piggott be appointed as Deputy Commissioner of Police in keeping with the recommendation of the PSC.

The three names selected by the government are the three approved in order of merit and recommended by the PSC.

The government would also ask Parliament to approve the PSC recommendation for another Canadian - Jack Ewatski - to the office of Deputy Commissioner of Police.

Government House leader Dr Roodal Moonilal will move the motion.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai