Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Russsia offers to help T&T develop sports

Russian Minister of Sport Vitaly Mutko has pledged to work with the new People’s Partnership Government of Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar to develop sports and to assist in other areas.

The offer came during a meeting in South Africa with Fifa vice-president Jack Warner, who is Trinidad and Tobago's Works and Transport Minister.

Mutko is an executive member of Fifa. Both men are in South Africa to attend meetings prior to the opening of the World Cup on Friday.

Mutko told Warner he is eager to work with Trinidad and Tobago in any way possible.

Commenting on the meeting, Warner called it "positive". He added, "I am in South Africa for only a short time. This pledge is entirely unexpected, and I look forward to seeing how this development materialises."

He added, "I am only an unexpected facilitator in this process. I will pass the mantle on to our capable Minister of Sport Anil Roberts to continue discussions with his Russian counterpart on this matter."

He said he is happy that his international office can be used to benefit Trinidad and Tobago and the citizens of this nation.

"I have dedicated my life to serving the people of my great land and I will continue to do that no matter what office I hold," Warner said.

The Russian minister also invited Warner to visit Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

In April, Warner declined an invitation from Putin to attend a special reception in his honour because he was busy with the election campaign.

Warner plans to return home in time for the opening of Parliament on June 18 and to attend to his ministerial duties.

Commenting on concerns raised by opposition leader Keith Rowley over Warner's continuing role as Fifa Vice President while holding a ministerial post, Warner said his critics should examine his life.

"At this time, I am listening to all that is being said about my international affiliations and I welcome all to critically examine my life...I have said it on numerous occasions I have no secrets," he said.

Prime Minister
Kamla Persad-Bissessar has supported Warner and said while she has asked her attorney general to check to determine if there is any breach in Warner's dual role, she is certain that Warner would do what is appropriate in all the circumstances.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai