Tuesday, June 8, 2010

An Open Letter To The Minister Of Tourism

Dear Honourable Minister:

Congratulations on your ascension to the Ministry Of Tourism. Like many other sectors of our economy, tourism now feel a renewed sense of hope. Hope that finally tourism might be taken seriously in Trinidad and Tobago, and not just given the mere lip-service the PNM government gave it.

Stakeholders and those dependant on employment from tourism, are hoping that the new government will NOT continue along the PNM's destructive path. It must be evident to you that the PNM's tourism policies and strategies did not help the sector in any substantial way.

The former officials kept promising great things, but nothing ever materialised, and we continue to suffer as a result, while the officials lived the high life, not caring whether they delivered results or not.

The only ones who believe that the government has been doing a good job with tourism are the government themselves, and our impotent Tourism Development Company (TDC).

The TDC coined the slogan, "Tourism Going Places," however, the only tourism going places are our tourism officials, especially at the TDC, travelling all over the world at taxpayers expense, though we are still to see any effective results from them or their policies.

Trinidad and Tobago continues to be almost at the bottom of it's regional and international competition, even though we have the capacity to perform significantly better, now and in the future.

Once again, Honourable Minister, we are earnestly awaiting a new era for tourism, one of creativity and meaningful progress, one that will finally move this nationally important sector forward. We have had enough Fantasy Island thinking from the former government.

We trust that you will demonstrate the leadership that this sector never had, and devise policies and strategies that truly reflect the real Trinidad and Tobago tourism product. This is what we voted for, no more of the past.

David Maundy

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai