Thursday, June 17, 2010

No bail. Ish and Steve to remain in custody until court hearing

Justice Vashiest Kokaram on Wednesday denied bail to businessmen Ishwar Galbaransingh and Steve Ferguson.

However he made an order blocking their extradition to the United States until their constitutional motion challenging the legality of the extradition proceedings is determined.

The development means that both men will remain at the Maximum Security Prison until the matter is heard in the Port-of-Spain High Court on June 24.

Their attorney, Fyad Hosein, will appeal the denial of bail.

Police arrested Galbaransingh and Ferguson on Tuesday. Their bail ran out after the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council refused to grant them leave to challenge their extradition to the U.S. to face 95 charges relating to the construction of the Piarco Airport Terminal building.

Kokaram said the court took into consideration the seriousness of the offence, the severity of the penalty for such an offence and public interest in deciding not to grant bail.

Hosein argued that his clients were entitled to bail since they were not considered a flight risk and had complied with the conditions of their previous bail.

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