Monday, June 7, 2010

Letter: Leave Jack alone

Jack Warner must stay on as a Minister in Cabinet and retain his positions in FIFA.

Come on Prime Minister, defend the hardest working politician in the Caribbean! Who is Rowley to attack Warner when Rowley defended his leader in the last election, in the face of mind boggling allegations of corruption?

I am firmly of the view that Warner should not resign from the FIFA as his involvement has been and continues to be of tremendous value to T&T and the wider Caribbean.

One should also note that his representation in Fifa makes T&T the smallest country on the FIFA Executive.

Warner sits on several FIFA Sub Committees, is the President of Concacaf and CFU as well as Special Advisor to TTFF.

All of this he saddled whilst being the most successful Member of Parliament for two years running. Two NACTA polls last year said he was the best performing MP.

His 18,767 votes in the May 24th General Election is perhaps the most votes ever secured by a candidate in any election in Trinidad and Tobago. It was clearly the most votes cast for any candidate in the recently concluded poll.

In 2007, Warner secured 11,147 votes. The additional 7,000 votes was surely a reflection of the work that he put in his Constituency of Chaguanas West as well as his national appeal as UNC Chairman.

In Chaguanas West, he has led from the front answering to the needs of the people and fulfilling wishes. In two years he has contributed to the development of the Constituency; in physical infrastructure, sports as well as religious and cultural expression.

From Felicity to Caroni, he has touched the hearts of many with his benevolence, generosity and common touch. A run-away victory for him was therefore assured simply because of his track record.

Largely credited as the man who created the pathway to victory with his Movement For Change in 2008, Warner has quickly created a space as one of the most dynamic politicians in the Caribbean.

Given his contribution to international football, Jack Warner has also become an historic third world icon who continues to inspire the nation to pursue ambitions to finality.

Why therefore must he resign as a Minister or give up his post with FIFA. Where is the conflict of interest? Didn't Colm Imbert and others have special interest in private companies when they were Ministers?

The Constitution says he is in breach of no law.

Trinidad and Tobago needs him. He has proven himself as a man who delivers.

So please Sir stay on for our own good.

And the Prime Minister herself should not cave in to the PNM. That is a sign of weakness.

Bimal Samaroo | Montrose

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