Monday, June 7, 2010

Letter: Jack beats the Energizer Bunny any time

I have been advised authoritatively that a minister’s job is a demanding one requiring 24/7 attention and in normal course would have wondered at the ability of Jack to undertake his ministerial post while simultaneously holding a vice presidency in FIFA.

However, Mr. Rowley’s solicitous concerns for the efficiency and effectiveness of the PP Government (PPG) must be viewed with grave suspicion.

If his interest is as it should be, in seeing the PPG perform badly in office, he should be quietly pleased at the problems which Jack is taking on so happily. It cannot be that Mr. Rowley is seeking to ensure a successful PPG in the long term.

Should Jack prove a failure or unable to cope, Kamla’s judgment as well as Jack’s reputation will both suffer and that would better serve Rowley’s interest.

So we can dismiss Rowley’s solicitous concerns as purely politically motivated, to give his supporters something to quarrel over, a bone to contend with in a manner of speaking.

His leadership will be enhanced in the eyes of the masses and a grand issue to pontificate over in their eyes.

Now, the two moot questions that Kamla has acknowledged are Law and Ethics. It is to her credit that she has not sought to force her choice unreservedly.

On the question of Law, Jack seems on firm ground.

Insofar as tradition and convention are concerned, one does not have to go very far to see Ministers and even Prime Ministers undertaking far in excess of their Ministerial portfolios.

Of course we have had some pitiful ministers incapable of meeting the bar in their single ministries, and our successive Ministers of National Security are memorable in that regard.

However, we have had not only super ministers perform in more than one ministry successfully, but the astounding case of Dr. Williams comes to mind. This Prime Minister ran his office successfully while concomitantly pursuing his scholar’s historical researches and interests and profound writings.

Jack is an outstanding man for several reasons. Frankly I have had my several concerns about him, but he seems to have passed muster and gained the confidence of the electorate resoundingly.

His capacity to work is legendary. How he found the time to continue with several portfolios in FIFA, while being a serving MP meeting the needs of his constituents and an agitator for successful change all at the same time amazes me. Jack beats the Energizer Bunny any time.

On the question of ethics, we can claim no precedent.

Ministers have displayed neither ethics nor morality in either private or public life. John Donaldson Snr was an early test case. Legions followed. Many were corrupt before ascension to power.

At this point, I would leave it to Jack to decide his capability and to ensure his performance legacy. Delegating authority is a great management tool. Should he fail as a Minister, Rowley will be pleased.

But Rowley secretly fears that he will succeed spectacularly.

M.F. Rahman - via emial.

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