Friday, June 25, 2010

Contentious issue of who will be CoP goes to Parliament

The Government of Trinidad and Tobago will meet again Friday with an opposition delegation for discussions on the selection of a police commissioner.

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Attorney General Anand Ramlogan, National Security Minister John Sandy and government house leader Roodal Moonilal met Thursday for 90 minutes with Opposition Leader Keith Rowley and an opposition team to discuss the matter.

Following the discussions both Moonilal and opposition representative Marlene Mc Donald agreed that the talks were productive.

Moonilal told reporters they will learn more during Friday's sitting of Parliament. "I am not at liberty to discuss the contents of the meeting," he said.

However, the Newsday newspaper is quoting sources that say the government will reject Parker's appointment along with the recommendation to appoint other foreigners in top police posts.

The paper says the government and opposition have agreed that ACP Stephen Williams is the preferred candidate but will defer the appointment for now.

Rowley is opposed to the idea of having a foreigner as Commissioner of Police and is urging the government to review the manner is which the selection is made.

The Police service Commission (PSC) has sent a list of five names in order of merit to President Max Richards with Canadian Neal Parker as the number one choice. The fifth name on the list is that of Williams.

Williams was the recommended PSC candidate for the job in 2008 but former Prime Minister Patrick Manning used his veto to block the appointment saying Williams lacked the necessary experience for the job and that the recruitment system was flawed.

Rowley supported the move against Williams.

On Friday, Moonilal will move a resolution asking Parliament to approve the recommendation of the PSC.

The resolution reads in part:

"WHEREAS section 123 (3) of the Constitution of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Chap. 1:01 (“the Act”) provides that the Police Service Commission shall submit to the President a list of the names of the persons nominated for appointment to the offices of Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner of Police;

"AND WHEREAS section 123 (4) of the Act provides that the President shall issue a Notification in respect of each person nominated under subsection (3) and the Notification shall be subject to affirmative resolution of the House of Representatives;

"AND WHEREAS the Police Service Commission has submitted to the President the name Mr. Neal Parker as the person nominated for appointment to the office of to the office of Commissioner of Police;

"AND WHEREAS the President has on the 11th day of June, 2010 issued a Notification in respect of the nomination; AND WHEREAS it is expedient to approve the Notification:

"BE IT RESOLVED that the Notification of the President of the nomination by the Police Service Commission of Mr. Neal Parker to the office of Commissioner of Police be approved."

1 comment:

Ronald Bhola said...

Once the law does not expressly forbid a foreigner from being appointed as a Commissioner of Police, then such an appointment can be made.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

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