Saturday, May 22, 2010

Warner tells Tobago Manning's PNM will fall

Jack Warner told a political meeting in Tobago Friday night there are clear signs that the PNM will lose Monday's general election.

He said said those signs include the collapse of President’s House last weekend, the prime minister's total takeover of the broadcast media and a billion-dollar secret WASA contract with an Israeli firm.

He noted that the finder's fee for that contract is worth between 20 and 30 million dollars. He also spoke about an alleged secret agreement by Caribbean Airways (CA) to buy 24 used Airbus aircraft at $80 million each.

"Think of the kickbacks on that deal," he said adding that the revelations about the PNM candidate for St. Joseph, Kennedy Swaratsingh, "are other signs telling us why this nation has to remove the PNM."

He said Patrick Manning has disfigured the party that Eric Williams created and in reference to Keith Rowley, he said Manning prefers to shoot the messenger rather than deal with corruption.

"When a son of Tobago soil spoke out about Calder Hart and UDECOTT, Patrick Manning shot that messenger; he fired Rowley. Manning rewarded Swaratsingh by having him on his platform last night.

"A PNM candidate can break any moral, spiritual or legal rule; neither Manning nor any of his candidates have any problem with that. A PNM Cabinet Minister can break any moral, spiritual or legal rule; neither Manning nor any of his Ministers has any problem with that," he said.

Warner accused the Manning government of "stealing millions from the Treasury, to pay for government ads promoting the PNM election campaign."

Speaking about Tobago specifically, Warner asked if anybody really believed Manning when he said Tobago wants Tobago gets.

He said the People’s Partnership’s respect for Tobago genuine, noting that it is enshrined in the People’s Partnership Manifesto. These include greater, the regularisation of land titles and the fast tracking of all infrastructural projects.

"Brothers and Sisters, the handwriting is on the wall, the Manning government will fall...You are certain of that when you hear Orville London telling PNM supporters not to let their contempt for the Prime Minister determine how the vote," he said.

He reminded his audience that Rowley said that his concern is that the PNM will lose the election.

"Patrick Manning and his 41 candidates and his unelected Deputy Prime Minister, Lenny Saith, have given the nation no reason to trust them. We dare not gamble with the future of our country," he said.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai