Saturday, May 1, 2010

Three Pandays dropped from UNC election team

Letter from M.F. Rahman:

Mickela, Subhas, Hamza, Kelvin, Vasant, five lights in the Panday constellation all face a fate that they heroically accept in the national interest. For this they are to be lauded.

It is to be hoped that their usefulness to the UNC government will be recognized by Kamla, if not by others whose motivation for their exclusion was not as pragmatic.

It is to be admitted that Kamla faced a princely dilemma, in deciding how the quintuplet should be treated. There is no safer method of predicting the future that by a review of the past - precisely the methodology used to determine Ramesh’s relegation.

Kamla must surely have suffered much emotional conflict in arriving at her decision. It is not easy to purge a dynasty to which one is heavily indebted. But national loyalty always demands of the leader such sacrifice.

While one condones Kamla’s necessary act of ensuring future government cohesiveness, one mourns the tragedy of aborted careers.

One would ask only that the severed be treated in accord with their future loyalties.

One must also bear in mind that those now nearest to Kamla are not necessarily free of personal ambition and that some joined her cause for less than self less reasons. The excising of known dissidents is not complete insurance. Vigilance must continue to be exercised.

May the five continue to seek the national good in exemplary fashion and bring honour upon themselves.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai