Friday, May 7, 2010

Manning says Kamla death threat a hoax

Patrick Manning said in Chaguanas Thursday night the alleged death threat against Kamla Persad-Bissessar is a hoax. The leader of the People's National Movement (PNM) added that the police know who made the bogus call to the police.

"I am now in a position to tell you that they (the police) have reported to me tonight (Thursday) that the entire matter is a hoax. Indeed, they have the telephone number of the telephone from which the call was made and they have a good idea of who made that call," Manning stated. However, he did not reveal the person's identity.

Speaking with reporters about the matter Thursday Persad Bissessar said she cannot say whther it was a real threat or a hoax. However she said said she has to be cautious.

"There’s so much riding on what we’re doing, there’s so much hope pinned on this People’s Partnership ... so I would be more cautious...At the same time I’m not going to let it stop me from doing the things that I have to do," she said.

Media reports in Trinidad Thursday said police are investigating reports of a $5 million hit on Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissesssar. Special Branch sources confirmed to the media that that police officers are paying special attention to the UNC leader because of the serious nature of the report.

UNC Chairman Jack Warner is also not taking the alleged threat lightly.

“I am not taking any threats lightly but the UNC has its own security and will provide the candidates and supporters with that security," he told the Newsday newspaper.

“One should not be dismissive of any threat and it is not surprising that this comes two days after an attempt was made to disrupt a UNC meeting,” he said.

Police sources say a man telephoned the UNC headquarters at Rienzi Complex, Couva and asked for acting general secretary Dave Tancoo.

The man reportedly identified himself as an officer from the St Joseph Police Station and advised that “There is a $5 million contract out for the assassination of Mrs Kamla Persad-Bissessar and I know of three persons who have accepted this.”

Acting Police Commissioner Gilbert Reyes told The Trinidad Guardian he would offer a security detail to Persad-Bissessar in light the report. She was offered the protection before, but decline. “I would again offer to provide her with security,” Reyes said.

The police policy is to offer security services to all political leaders during an election period.

Reyes confirmed that Special Branch is investigating reports.

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