Sunday, May 16, 2010

PNM responds to church allegations but doesn't deny UNC claims

The PNM responded to the Church issue Saturday night by stating that the documents presented by Kamla Persad-Bissessar are the same that the opposition leader planned to present in her no cofidence motion on April 9.

Prime Minister Manning had stated that he shut down Parliament to prevent the opposition from using privilege to slander and malign his government.

The statement did not deny the allegations about his connections to the church at Guanapo but instead said the UNC’s campaign "is now collapsing and in their desperation they have reverted to all manner of dirty tricks."

The party said the UNC is in a panic before it knows it is losing the election. It said the UNC presented another hoax "in tandem with their abduction advertisements...allegations of threats to assassinate the opposition leader as well as reports of dubious activities involving the abduction of persons connected to senior members of the UNC."

It also spoke of a woman who came to Trinidad during a previous election campaign and stated that she had an affair with Manning and had a child from their illicit affair.

"In that press conference the woman’s assignment was to damage the character of the political leader (of the PNM) with unfounded and ridiculous claims that he was the father of her child," the statement declared.

Manning's attorneys filed an injunction against the woman who still maintains that she story is true and she has challenged Manning to take her court where the truth will be revealed.

"That was a failed attempt then to derail the PNMs elections campaign...Today’s (Saturday) press conference is another attempt at dirty tricks seeking to prop up the UNCs stalling campaign through the use of character assassination, spreading suspicion and attempting to put false burdens on the citizens of the Trinidad and Tobago," the PNM said.

  • The postponement of manifesto launch
  • The abysmal failure
  • The cancellation of the UNC youth rally
  • The diminishing attendance observed at their meetings
  • The failure of the UNCs Rally in Tobago

The PNM said it supports Government’s position that "the appropriate authorities will treat with all breaches of the law and on any occasion where a report is made on any transgression of the law it ought to be properly investigated and treated with appropriately."

The party said it wishes "to underscore the categorical statement of the Honourable Prime Minister that no state funds have been used in the construction of the Church of the Light House of the Lord Jesus Christ at the Heights of Guanapo."

It urged citizens to remain focused "on our national vision, policies and programme to advance our nation. We urge citizens to not be distracted by the desperate actions and utterances of those opposed to us."

It added, "Mrs Persad Bissessar is staying true to the modus operandi of the UNC and by so doing is exposing the myth of change which she and Austin Jack Warner are peddling to the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago.

"Conversely the PNM is changing Trinidad and Tobago for you and we encourage you to stay focused and stay the course as we move towards developed nation status."

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai