Thursday, May 6, 2010

PNM keeps heat on Volney on Boyce case

The People’s National Movement (PNM) has denied that it was behind a protest Monday when a group of placard bearing people passed through a UNC meeting calling on former High Court judge Herbert Volney to explain his decision in the Brad Boyce murder case.

Boyce was on trial before Voney on a charge of killing Jason Johnson during a fight outside a nighclub.

At the trial in 1998 Volney directed a jury to return a not gulity verdict, ruling that the victim died from medical negligence.

Volney, who is the UNC candidate for St Joseph in the May 24 general election, has explained his decision in a amedia interview.

Read the story:
Volney explains his ruling in Brad Boyce case

But the PNM is not easing the pressure on Volney. In a media release Wednesay the party demanded that Volney apologise to the Johnson family "for inflicting more hurt upon them". The party is also demanding that Volney explain his judgment.

"Justice Volney must account to the relatives of Jason Johnson and the people of Trinidad and Tobago for what is among the worst records in delivering justice, before he can seek the votes of the people of St Joseph," the party stated.

The PNM is also demanding that Volney explain why he humiliated Hughvon Des Vignes, the pathologist who testified in the case.

But this is not an issue for Des Vignes, who is a member of the Tobago Organisation of the People (TOP). He believes this is a non-issue

"Let’s move on. This thing happened over 12 years ago and I think we should move on...this doesn’t add anything to the progress of our society. Let’s move on because I have gone past this thing a long time ago," Des Vignes told the Trinidad Express.

Johnson's mother, Nancy Johnson, told the paper she forgives the judge. "I forgive Volney...but I will never forget what he did," she told the paper.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai