Thursday, May 6, 2010

Keith Rowley speaks Thursday

One of the most anticipated events of the 2010 election campaign in Trinidad and Tobago takes place Thursday night - the launch of Keith Rowley's platform for re-election as the PNM candidate for Diego Martin West.

Rowley had been a PNM pariah ever since Prime Minister Patrick Manning kicked him out of cabinet for raising questions about UDeCOTT and Calder Hart.

Manning almost immediately began an anti-Rowley campaign, suggesting his former deputy should account for a missing $10 million from a housing project.

It turned out to be a clerical error but Manning has never given up on it and is still conducting an inquiry into the project.

He also accused his former cabinet colleague of being spiteful, describing him once in Parliament as a "raging bull".

Rowley has also had his share to say about Manning and his administration suggesting that the Manning government was the most corrupt ever. And he had predicted that the general election would be about UDeCOTT and state corruption.

Against that background many PNM supporters feared that Rowley would not make the cut. But he did. He tried to launch his campaign a week ago but the PNM stopped him in his tracks saying he was not officially named a candidate and had no authority to hold such a meeting.

Then on Sunday he was listed to speak at the PNM rally in Woodford Square but he never did. The opposition claimed that it was because he objected to having his speech vetted.

But candidate Rowley is now ready to speak. And he will do so on Thursday in his constituency. He has promised that he will have much to say, especially about the opposition.

Opposition leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar has dared Rowley to endorse Manning. And on Wednesday night in San Fernando she did it again.

"Endorse the leadership of Patrick Manning, tell your supporters you believe him to be honest, tell them that you were wrong to accuse him, tell them that you have had a change of Calder Hart and that all will be well again if ever they do the unforgivable and give him another five years! Tell them that Keith Rowley.

"I dare Manning as well to endorse Keith Rowley, tell us you are sorry to have investigated him several times and that you are recalling the current investigation! I want to see those two man crab on stage together holding hands and endorsing each other!" she said.

Rowley has said on Thursday he will deal with Persad-Bissessar and all the others who have criticised him.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai