Monday, May 3, 2010

Letter: Volney's example could motivate others

So, Justice Volney has made a decision to vacate the halls of justice and join the political fray.

He has given his reason for so doing - lending credence to the cries of many others (myself included) - who see Manning taking our country to hell on a jackass cart. Here is a man prepared to give up his quite lucrative and esteemed career for the sake of the nation.

Translated that means you, me and everyone else deemed a citizen of T&T.

Independence of the judiciary is one thing. In fact that independence is supposed to work two ways. The judiciary to be independent of politics and the governing body to respect the independence of the judiciary.

From what Justice Volney has said he (and a number of other people), feel that the independence of the judiciary is threatened by Patrick Manning's proposals. In fact, T&T is threatened by these. President for life with oversight of the justice system, tax body, and everything else!

He is obviously following Chavez's example and heading for a dictatorship. Ask any Venezuelan what real freedom they have.

Reading today's Guardian editorial one would think that Justice Volney had been deliberating on highly sensitive issues pertaining to the PNM or government itself when this decision was taken by him.

Correct me if I am wrong, but that I do not believe is the case. However, I say, Justice Volney is to be respected for sticking up for his principles in life, not belittled for same.

Let us hope that his example will motivate others to do the right thing come election day.

Virginia Verity | via e/mail

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai