Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Letter: PNM "til ah ded" is like abused wife syndrome

Keith Rowley's stance is to me comparable to that of the abused spouse, unfortunately often tolerated by Trinidad women until death is the final outcome. "PNM till ah dead" then assumes meaning.

Is Mr. Rowley, like so many of those unfortunates, either confident that he can overcome or placate his nemesis or that the latter will somehow morph into what he would call a person of integrity?

Psychologists, Mr. Rowley, will tell you otherwise on the latter score - a leopard does not change his spots.

It then becomes obvious that Keith Rowley is simply biding his time, hoping against hope that he will somehow become captain of the ship PNM - an opportunist if you will, not a patriot interested in the future of the people of T&T, including the myriad staunch supporters being decimated in the "gang warfare" blamed for every death on the hill.

It should be obvious to Mr. Rowley, however, that until Manning is dead, or removed, that will not come to pass.

Despite his various ailments he seems to be in the pink of health, no doubt due to free good Cuban medical care, something yet denied the average citizen of our nation, but once more promised in pre-election fever.

Those of us who respected Keith Rowley for his bold stance have now had to recognise that it was simply his way of trying to initiate a palace coup.

Unfortunately, Manning's new slate of candidates simply cannot afford to stand up to him. Those with backbone have long been either demonised and/or ostracised, and thus rendered harmless.

As to Rowley's statement re: Court martial of the captain - he will be "wajanged" out again in the unlikely event that Manning does retain his domination of the T&T economy - if he were even offered a position in the Cabinet line up, which I very much doubt!

T&T has just passed through a boom such as we have never, and probably never will ever see again.

Just what has this nation seen for this beyond Manning's palace, a place (or places) to hold Summits and impress and wine and dine foreign dignitaries, a private jet airport at Piarco, a performing arts centre (in north so far only) apparently far short of what it should have been and a couple of houses for the PNM faithful?

Now that the boom is over Mr. Manning is promising a road system to rival any developed country, eight hospitals and increased pensions for the masses (not house tax now - at least until after the election)!

Past history of his fiscal management does not lend credence to these promises. He has not even promised to clean up T&T's act - in fact by the absence of reference to same one could be forgiven for thinking that it was a myth, except that Calder Hart did scuttle the sinking ship!

Obviously Mr. Manning is aware that that he cannot deliver on all the empty promises he is making to attempt to win the election.

Remember the saying "empty vessels make much noise"? The PNM platform rhetoric brings this saying to mind.

However, it is obvious, as Gypsy sang those many years ago "Captain, the ship is sinking" and now De Fosto with "we cyar vote for dat".

It must also be obvious to all that President Robinson may even be regretting his decision in that hung election of 2001 and endorsing Kamla Persad Bissessar as the only alternative, I am tempted to say saviour, of T&T.

Wake up Mr. Rowley.

Just as the British just woke up and jostled to vote their Govt. out rather than apathetically abstaining from voting as had been much projected, Trinbagonians too have had it.

They will not tolerate further abuse of their trust and their children's and grandchildren's rights.

They too have decided to band together in a coalition to save their country. They are not as stupid as some would perhaps wish.

"PNM till ah dead" has assumed real meaning - generally premature death. The majority, including those on the hill and ghettos are hungry for a new way of life.

The PNM have been promising, without delivering, for too many years. Our nation now has to rise like a phoenix from the ashes - and who better to do it than a well educated, intelligent woman with experience, who is also a mother and can feel for all those who have lost their sons on the altar of Manning's political ambition?

Virginia Verity | via e/mail

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai