Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Kamla vindictive to leave out Mickela: Manning

Kamla Persad-Bissessar has told Prime Minister Patrick Manning more than once to stay out of the opposition's business. But that has not stopped the People's National Movement (PNM) leader.

And on Tuesday night he was at it again, telling supporters the United National Congress (UNC) political leader should not have left out Mickela Panday from the lineup of UNC candidates.

He called at an act of vindictiveness, adding that it demonstrated that the Persad-Bissessar does not have what it takes to lead.

Manning told supporters at a public meeting at Harris Promenade, San Fernando, the daughter of ex-UNC leader Basdeo Panday should have been allowed to contest the Oropouche West seat, which won in 2007.

He agreed that it was OK to leave out others like Mickela's father and uncle, Subhas Panday as well as Kelvin Ramnath and Ramesh L. Maharaj.

"I can’t for the life of me understand why Mickela Panday. I cannot understand it...If Mrs Persad-Bissessar had the political acumen that is required to run a country like Trinidad and Tobago you know what she would have done, she would have had Mickela Panday as the candidate for Couva North, then you would have seen political acumen," Manning said.

"As it now stands UNC supporters have every right to be upset with the vindictiveness...if she is vindictive with her own kind what about you!" he asked.

Manning said the opposition leader made other mistakes: the selection of former High Court judge Herbert Volney as the candidate for St Joseph, and the inclusion of National Joint Action Committee (NJAC) leader Makandal Daaga and Movement for Social Justice (MSJ) leader Errol McLeod in her People's Partnership.

Commenting on why he lost the 1995 election to the UNC, Manning said he was betrayed by Brian Keui Tung who told former Prime Minister Basdeo Panday about the plan for an early election.

He said he and six PNM members met in San Fernando and decided to call an election and set a date, using the "element of surprise" because it would be a secret from the Opposition.

“Unknown to of those six persons who was present, within days, went to a gentleman called Brian Keui Tung and told him the plan...By that time he was with Mr Panday and we did not know...That is a mistake I made then and I will never make again,” he said.

Manning said in 2010 he caught the Opposition with "their political pants down by their knees, and now you will see who is man and who is manicou man.”

He added, “It will be a disaster if God forbids and she (Persad-Bissessar) becomes the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago."

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