Saturday, May 15, 2010

Jack accuses Manning of attacking freedom of expression

Jack Warner accused Patrick Manning on Friday of an abuse of state power and threatening freedom of the media.

The chairman of the UNC told a political meeting in Siparia that Manning has commandeered the media to silence the opposition voices during prime time in the final days of the campaign.

"Now, as we approach the last week of the election campaign, the PNM government has invoked the broadcast licensing regime to block Opposition access to every television station and every radio station in the country for one full hour of prime time broadcasting on Sunday 16th May and for 30 minutes on Monday 17th May and again for one hour on Sunday 23rd May, none of which is being paid for," Warner said.

He called it is "an unprecedented assault against the constitutional right of every citizen to freedom of expression and freedom of information. This is an abuse of power and a manipulation and domination of the media by Patrick Manning. This is a brazen attempt to deny the media houses commercial viability."

The UNC chairman called it a "fascist attack on our democracy" from a despotic and dictatorial regime.

He called on the nation "to bring collective people power to the defence of our democracy."

And he appealed to the youth to use new media on the Internet to speak out against the assault on free speech.

"Let the world know what the Manning PNM is doing to silence the voices of the People’s Partnership. Help us to get the message out before Manning takes the next step by declaring a state of emergency, calling out the military and canceling the election," he said.

"The nation must stop this power crazed petty dictator dem out!"

A media executive told JYOTI while the issue appears to be aimed against the opposition, the broadcasting act permits the government to demand commercial-free access for government broadcasts.

The executive said there is noting to stop the opposition from buyng air time preceeding or after the government broadcast.

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Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai