Sunday, May 16, 2010

Arsonists destroy home of COP activist

Arson is suspected cause of a fire that destroyed the home of Congress of the People (COP) activist Hayden Cornwall on Saturday morning.

Cornwall was not at his Ste Madeleine when the fire started. He told media that he was liming with friends after putting up campaign material for Carol Cuffy-Dowlat, the COP candidate for San Fernando East.

He told the Express newspaper PNM supporters were angry that he had switched his support from the PNM to COP.

Cuffy-Dowlat pointed to the PNM as she expressed sympathy for Cornwall.

"This is a humble man, and you just burn it down because he is not supportive of what the PNM has to offer? I believe it is politically motivated because he has been the chief campaigner, mobilising the people for the COP," she said.

"I am appealing to Mr Manning to tell his supporters to stop the violence because it has gone far beyond vandalism," she told the Express. She also appealed to the public to help rebuild Cornwall's house.

Investigators have ruled out the possibility that an electrical malfunction started the fire. They are still searching the rubble for clues.

Last week the home of a UNC activist in Barataria was firebombed, killing five people, including two children. Family members have suggested that it was a political attack, but police investigators say it was not.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai