Monday, April 12, 2010

"We are coming together" Dookeran tells media

Congress of the People leader Winston Dookeran says his party has no option but to unite with the United National Congress (UNC) to defeat the People’s National Movement (PNM) in the general election.

It was Dookeran's first public statement since returning home from a lecture of India. In his absence his deputy, Wendy Lee Yeung, caused a stir in opposition circles suggesting that unity negotiations were not moving fast enough.

Before Dookeran left the country he and his UNC counterpart, Kamla Persad-Bissessar had announced an agreement in principle to unite and have only a single candidate facing the PNM in each constituency.

In a media conference Sunday Dookeran reiterated the need to work together. “There is no option," he said, adding that "we have to agree."

The COP leader said, "The nation requires us to come together...whatever obstacles are in the way, and whatever hurdles we have to overcome, I am prepared to work to make it happen."

Dookeran will meet with Persad-Bissessar Monday in St. Augustine following which both leaders will hold a media briefing.

Several issues are yet to be worked out, including seat allocation, a common policy position and a joint campaign strategy approach.

"Time is not on our side," he said, adding that "we have to fast track and develop our proposals because of the snap election.” he said.

“It is with our hope and expectation, however, that we would come to a common understanding on these issues as we prepare for the political battle before us.”

He was adamant that the most important issue today is not who becomes prime minister in an opposition victory. "Given the enormity of the situation, no obstacles must be put in the way and no hurdles that we cannot overcome in the process of finding the right person."

Both COP and the UNC expect to begin screening candidates this week.

Dookeran told reporters he is not bothered by the resignation of COP member Devant Maraj. “It really does not matter, because in the end we are coming with a common front, common candidates and a common option...each individual would position where he/she is best.”

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai