Thursday, April 8, 2010

PSA accuses TT gov't of betrayal; protests to continue

The President of the Public Services Association is shocked that the Trinidad and Tobago government is reneging on its decision and resuming debate on the proposed Trinidad and Tobago Revenue Authority (TTRA) in the Senate.

Last month the government announced that it was suspending debate on the proposed bill, saying it wants to conclude negotiations with all stakeholders, including the PSA.

But at a news conference Wendesday Watson Duke
accused the government of backing out on a promise of holding debate until a meaningful agreement had been made with the PSA.

"They have totally betrayed our trust," Duke told reporters, adding that the government has "
failed to meet and treat the PSA and those who we represent in a meaningful manner."

He said the sudden decision to debate the bill has left the PSA totally unprepared for the results of the debate.

He explained that the PSA is unable to guarantee the Downtown Owners and Merchant Associations (Doma), T&T Manufacturing Association (TTMA) or the public that the employees of the Board of Inland Revenue (BIR) and Customs and Excise would not “suffer by the latest move of the Government.”

Duke accused the government of being “anti-workers, anti-union and anti-country.”

The PSA president said he met with Finance Minister Karen Tesheira Wednesday and told her the proposal that she offered is not acceptable because it does not address the concerns of the workers.

He said the PSA's position is that the provisions would become null and void, once the TTRA bill was passed.

Duke said if the Senate passes the bill the PSA would continue to fight for the employees of BIR and Customs and Excise.

And he again advised all affected employees in both divisions not to accept any separation. He has also advised them to stay off work for one week on stress leave.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai