Campbell arrived in the country on an American Airlines flight and was denied entry at Piarco International Airport on the advice of Minister of national Security, Martin Joseph.
Campbell first entered Trinidad and Tobago on April 15, 2010 and declared to the local immigration that he was in the country on business as a consultant.
The UNC formally engaged Campbell for the general election campaign and he left Trinidad on April 19, 2010 with the expectation that he would return to formally assume his assignment.
Under Regulation 10 of the Immigration Regulations a foreign national can work locally for a period not exceeding one month in a twelve month period.
However, when Campbell tried to enter the country Thursday he was denied that privilege.
The Ministry of National Security issued a media release Friday stating that no deportation order was issued or signed by the Ministry of National Security or any immigration officer.
However it said Cambpell was denied entry under the section of the immigration laws that states: “Any person who from information or advice which in the opinion of the Minister is reliable information or advice is likely to be an undesirable inhabitant or, or visitor to Trinidad and Tobago.”
On Friday, the Political Leader of the United National Congress (UNC) condemned what she called an "act of political victimisation of the opposition party and harassment of a U.S. citizen."
Kamla Persad-Bissessar noted that Campbell's firm conducts similar political work around the world and has never been subjected to any rejection from any of the countries visited.
"My Party and I condemn the high handed authoritarian display of power perpetrated by the Manning administration upon the legitimate democratic exercise of the party in conducting its election campaign," Persad-Bissessar stated.
According to the UNC upon arrival in Trinidad Campbell was informed that he was denied entry on the advisement of the Minister of National Security and handed a document which pertained to his denial of entry which he declined to sign.
In a media release Friday the opposition explained the incident:
"He (Campbell) was left standing in what had become an empty terminal for well over an hour. Eventually he was informed that he would be taken by security to a hotel nearby and then brought to the airport in the morning (Friday) to be placed on the American Airlines flight scheduled for departure at that time.
The party said when Campbell left the airport in the security vehicle for the hotel an unmarked car intercepted the vehicle and two men questioned the security officers escorting Campbell.
The UNC said one of the security guards informed Campbell that he didn't know the identity of the men and advised him that he would be safer at the airport.
Campbell was then driven back to the airport by the security officers where he stayed until his departure, the UNC said.
In condemning the incident, Persad Bissessar said, "Members of the Obama team employed by the UNC, left the island this morning (Friday) and due to the harassment of their colleague will not be returning.
"They have, however, confirmed that the work to be conducted in the campaign will be provided from the United States."
She added, "This will, however, only serve to strengthen the resolve of all concerned and the electorate will be the ultimate judge of the dictatorial behaviour that typifies the Patrick Manning administration.
"The UNC sees the denial of entry of Mr. Campbell as an international outrage and scandal which will be reported negatively across all diplomatic channels and via international media networks worldwide.
"The party formally extends to Mr. Campbell and his firm A.K.P.D. its sincerest regrets over the incident and pledges to issue a formal, official apology to him and the people of the United States on May 25th when the party forms the government on behalf of all our citizens who value the cordial and close relationship."
Persad-Bissessar said the party has advised the U.S. embassy in Port of Spain of the incident.
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