Tuesday, April 13, 2010

No election date yet

Prime Minister Patrick Manning kept the general election date to himself Monday night at an election campaign meeting in St Augustine where he spoke about to need to keep God in the politics.

There was speculation that he would have announced May 17 as the earliest date for the election. Manning himself had sent a strong hint that he was prepared to drag the campaign for a while with his statement that the vote can be held as late as July 8.

Manning has been criticized for calling an election two and half years ahead of the date when it is constitutionally due. His wife, Hazel Manning, offered an explanation at the meeting.

She acknowledged that some people were "doubtful" and have questioned the decision to call a general election. But she said the real reason for seeking a fresh mandate was, "to take the country to a higher level."

Mrs Manning said the country is at a critical crossroads and PNM detractors are "ruthlessly monopolising the public information space to put us in this country on a journey of spite and hate."

She added, "No government, and I mean no government, can operate in (such) an environment ...all manifesting themselves in legal summons, in industrial disputes, in false accusations and in blatant disrespect for office.

"That is the climate that the detractors have created and they can be found everywhere - the many Opposition elements and they keep multiplying day by day, a few trade union leaders, some of the media and other coalitions and associations".

She wondered if those opposed to the PNM are leading the country down a path of civil unrest and war.

"That is why we have come back to you to renew our mandate," she added.

Under the rules governing elections, the vote must be held no less that 35 days from the date of the announcement of the election date.

The tradition is for elections on Mondays, which means that the next closest date is May 14. But there is no obligation for Manning to keep the tradition.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All this nonsense will change for the better--- when Kamla takes charge. One of the first priorities will be to make the necessary constitutional amendments as to prevent this "pulling from backpocket" inanity.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai