Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Letter: Good start to election 2010 campaign

Elections 2010 launch for the UNC was a good one.

The turnout was huge and supportive and shots of the crowd seemed to reflect our rainbow quality.
TOP’s Jack was very impressive as were most of the other speakers featured.

Kamla seems to have got the feel of the crowd and was well in charge. In fact, her speech pre-emptively rebutted many of the issues which Manning attempted to highlight in his own address at St. Augustine.

Manning was not impressing his people tonight. His speech was a clear misjudgement and poorly received IMHO.

Kamla’s People’s Ministry is an impressive innovation and should earn her much support.

The extended presence of the National Security helicopter was strange. What was the message being sent?

Reading the news reports of today’s events should be interesting.

Manning will only do international damage to his reputation if he withholds the date of elections too long.

Whatever the accomplishments of the Manning Government over the several years of its stewardship in the area of social welfare and which seems his trump card tonight, have been overshadowed by the several areas of neglect and corruption that outweigh his claims.

It is a shame that a Government would claim duty discharged as a favour to the people. Manning is hoping that his excessive patronage will be repaid by votes from the bribed recipients.

Clearly he has admitted defeat by his recourse to the polls. As Ashford Jack said, he wants to be sent home, so the nation should oblige

Tonight was a good night.

M.F. Rahman - via email.

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