Friday, April 2, 2010

Manning: let's be grateful for our democracy and freedom

Prime Minister Patrick Manning's Easter greetings urge citizens to give thanks for all that is good in their life. And Manning said they should pray for crime to be eradicated.

Manning reminded citizens of the teaching of Jesus that point to the kingdom of God within.

"The message is that every human being has the capacity for the highest levels of goodness, beauty and creativity.

"Therefore, as we celebrate Easter, let us each resolve to further develop our wondrous capacity for constructive endeavour, and let us seek to maintain this approach as individuals and as a nation", Manning stated in a media release.

"It therefore behoves every citizen to be industrious and responsible in both his personal and public life as our country continues to do well in the face up of challenges that will always surface as we move forward.

"Let us be inspired by the triumph of the resurrection and become revitalised for the task ahead", he added.

"Let us be grateful for the democracy and fundamental freedoms that we enjoy and for our harmonious society where all religions exist side by side, enriching the spiritual and cultural life of our diverse society

"Let us continue to pray that the evils of violent crime be eradicated from our beautiful land as the Government provides the wherewithal to those on the frontline who risk their lives for our well-being as a nation.

"Let us remember those who serve tirelessly, above and beyond the call in all demanding areas of public service.

"At this time, let us give thanks for the life, teachings, example and experience of Jesus the Christ, all of which constitute a summons to discover our ability for a most constructive sojourn here on Earth as well as our own capacity for the ultimate triumph of eternal life", Manning said.

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Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai