Sunday, April 18, 2010

Letter: Challenge to Manning: name your cabinet!

Prime Minister Patrick Manning speaking at a PNM public meeting at Chin Chin Junction in Cunupia, Manning stated:

"I want to know what would be the portfolio given to Prakash Ramadhar, Anand Ramlogan, Devant Maharaj, Tim Gopeesingh, Suruj Rambachan and Austin Jack Warner".

Instead of asking the UNC who it’s possible appointments are to be, why does Mr. Manning not instead inform PNM supporters who is to be in a PNM Government if they are to be elected into office?

Mr. Manning has a duty to advise the nation as well as the PNM supporters what position, what Ministry will Dr. Keith Rowley receive under another Manning Administration?

Will Dr. Rowley spend another five years in the back bench?

Will Martin Joseph continue to preside over a runaway crime spree as Minister of National Security or will Howard Chin Lee's incompetence resurface?

Will Jerry Narace continue to be Minister of Health as children die and the old suffer in our hospitals?

Will Colm Imbert continue to idly watch a mounting construction costs for the Brian Lara Torouba Stadium and an imaginary Tobago hospital?

Will Emily Dick-Forde continue to manage UDeCOTT in the same manner as she did with Calder Hart?

Will Marlene Mc Donald oversee another NAPA in South Trinidad that the artist will condemn?

Will Gary Hunt be asked to purchase another $2 Million Flag for the Ministry of Sports?

Will John Jeremy continue to investigate the allegations against John Calder Hart?

Will the beneficiary of a secret scholarship Laurel Lezama get other secrets; will her father in law, Louis Lee Sing, get another radio station or TV station?

Will Mustapha Hamid be the Minister of Public Utilities where there is no water for thousands?

Will Hazel Manning continue to preside over Local Government with a constantly moving election date or will it be eventually be called in the Hyatt Hotel?

Will Karen Nunez Tesheira be the Minister of Finance and impose upon the nation an unjust Property Tax?

Mr. Manning has a duty as the incumbent Prime Minister to share with the PNM supporters if not the national community who he plans to inflict upon the nation in the Cabinet and in Ministries.

We challenge Mr. Manning to inspire the nation with confidence in his potential by naming persons or will he once again sneak into the government nondescript persons without experience and who he has total control over.

Anand Ramlogan & Devant Maharaj

Via emial - 18th April 2010

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai