Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Kamla tells supporters it's time to throw out Manning

Kamla Persad-Bissessar pledged to thousands of supporters in Caroni East Monday the winds of change are slowly taking shape in Trinidad and Tobago and over the next five weeks it will become a hurricane that would sweep the "corrupt Manning government" out of office.

"On May 24 we shall replace them with a government of the people, for the people, by the people," she said as she served notice on Manning that the people are ready to replace him and embrace change.

She noted that change is the responsibility for everyone, not just the politicians. And she called on citizens to to walk with her.

"Will you take my hand and walk with me so that we can bring the change that our country needs? We must take back this country. And that is why I am running for Prime Minster of Trinidad and Tobago," Persad-Bissesssar said.

She called Manning a liar and promised again that she will not drop CEPEP but will fix it. She also pledged to "open the GATE wider", in reference to the state-funded assistance for students pursuing tertiary education.

She said she was the education minister who introduced financial assistance through the dollar-for-dollar program and she will make sure that young children will have more access to funds for their training when she returns to government.

Persad-Bissesssar also promised that her government would not collect "one cent" from the unjust property tax. "You cannot impose this draconian tax" when there is no representation. "We will wipe that tax off the country's statute books," she said.

The UNC leader also pledged to meet with stakeholders to review the bill to establish the Trinidad and Tobago revenue Agency, noting that it will not become law unless it is good for the citizens.

She spoke of Manning's failure to deal with crime despite proclaiming that he knows "Mr Big". She said Manning cannot deal with crime because he lacks the political will.

She also said she will also introduce an anti crime bill as one of her first acts that will deal with "unjust enrichment" among other things. "You can't be making five cents and spend $100," she said. The legislation will also protect whistle blowers.

The former attorney general also promised to reintroduce a permanent anti-crime commission to deal with corruption in high office.
She also promised to take a procurement bill to Parliament which she drafted while she held the office of attorney general in the previous UNC government.

The UNC leader warned of bribes and lies that the Manning government will offer the electorate to try to buy votes. These include a senior citizens grant to $2,500 to be sent out during election week.

She promised that the government she will lead will amend the legislation to restore old age pension is a right for everyone within 30 days of convening Parliament. In addition she pledged that her government will provide pensioners with a monthly allowance of $3,000 a month.

Persad-Bissesssar also warned that the $300 million promised to Laventille will never materialize and urged voters to reject Manning when he comes asking for votes.

"We say it is time to restore trust and faith in government," she said. Persad Bissessar pledged as part of government reform she will legislate fixed term dates for local and general elections and also promised that there will be two-term limits for prime ministers.

She answered Manning's questions about who will be in her cabinet by telling him to mind his own business. She was clear about who would NOT be in her cabinet: none of Manning's "corrupt" ministers.

"My wife would not be minister of local government because I have none," she quipped.

She slammed the plan for the rapid rail project and announced that the project will bring "rapid jail". And she called on Manning to halt all the planned mega projects and let the people decide what needs to be done.

She warned people not be frightened by Manning's statements that a government led by her will collapse. She accused Manning of trying to divide the country with his tribal politics.

"If a nation is divided it will collapse," she said, adding that
Trinidad and Tobago is a diverse nation that embraces all races and religions. She said Manning's fear tactics based on religious beliefs will not work.

Persad-Bissessar said the unity team that she leads will make the change that is necessary because the entire country is behind the unity movement. She added that Manning has nothing to offer so he spends his time minding the business of the opposition.

She reminded her audience of Manning's boast that he would "stand alone and lose alone" and said on May 24, Manning will stand alone. "When you stand alone, you will fall," she said. She said the UNC has learned the lesson of not uniting and now stands for unity.

She concluded by urging everyone to work for victory. "Together we will win, together we must win," she declared.

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