Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hunt won't be candidate for PNM; Beckles in trouble for praising Kamla

The People's National Movement (PNM) has dumped Gary Hunt, the sports minister who spent $2 million to put up a flag and boast that it was the right thing to do in order to create national pride.

Hunt later changed his mind about the flag and said it was a mistake, but the mistake is part of what caused him to feel the wrath of his constituents.

Read the story:
$2M Flag was a mistake that would never be repeated: Sports Minister

Only one party group in the constituency of Port of Spain North/St Ann’s West nominated Hunt, who decided that he would withdraw his candidacy.

The party is replacing him with the principal of St Francois Girls’ College, Patricia McIntosh, who received nominations from 12 party groups. McIntosh is scheduled to go on pre-retirement leave from July.

Hunt welcomed his successor and expressed gratitude to the constituency. He said he remains committed to the party's vision and ideals.

Another MP, Pennelope Beckles who represents Arima, had to explain to PNM Political Leader Manning why she publicly praised Manning's number one opponent, United National Congress (UNC) leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

Beckles commended Persad-Bissessar in a speech last month on the theme"Women in Power". Beckles called Persad-Bissessar’s victory a triumph for East Indian women, but said the opposition leader is an example for all women to emulate.

"I am quite certain she can do the job. My expectations are high for her but we as women, if you want to walk the walk, you need to give your support," Beckles told her audience.

Manning also wanted to know why Beckles was critical of a plan was put forward by his wife, Local Government Minister Hazel Manning.

PNM sources have said it looks like Beckles would likely be rejected as a candidate. She had a tough time in getting the nomination in 2007 and was accepted only after intense pressure from the constituency.

Insiders say she will likely be replaced by Laurel Lezama, who is a loyal party supporter who "impeccable" PNM credentials.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai