Sunday, March 28, 2010

"The PNM must go!" Warner tells Chaguanas "People's" rally

The chairman of the United National Congress (UNC) told thousands gathered for Saturday's Voice of the People rally in Chaguanas the event marks a major step in the "our important journey towards liberation."

Jack Warner said, "Despite the threats, the intimidation and the foolishness of Patrick Manning, you have come out here in your thousands to tell Patrick Manning that he can call you drug dealers, call you unpatriotic, call you whatever he wants; he can never silence your voice against the wrong things he commits against this nation and good things he has failed to do."

He welcomed the efforts by everyone who "put our differences aside" to stand united in our desire "to reclaim this country and set it back on the path to prosperity."

The Chaguanas West MP added that the event marks the start of a journey to "restore justice and bring hope to the down-trodden and the exploited; and to bring peace and comfort once again to our land."

Warner returned home from a business trip to Jerusalem to make sure he was present at the rally at Saith park in his constituency and leaves again Saturday night.

He said that assignment will bring "almost to a virtual end" his several overseas assignments.

"But I tell you my brothers and sisters that there is no place I would rather be right now than here in Saith Park, Chaguanas, adding my voice to the united Voices here of you, my People!

He spoke of PNM corruption, oppression of the people, protection of friends, the demonization of detractors, the rape of Treasury and lies.

Warner reminded his audience of the lyrics of a 1971 calypso, Good Citizen, by the Mighty Sparrow and said if you listen carefully you would think Sparrow was describing the situation in Trinidad and Tobago in 2010.

"They say you have the right to criticize but then you are victimized,
And without any reason.
Many a time you find yourself politically paralysed...
Yet these fakes and phonies Enjoy a long life of luxury
While they spread corruption throughout the country.
When they should be arrested
They’re protected and respected in the society.
And in a million different ways they violate the law.
It’s the same good, no good bastards who oppress the poor
With their false declaration, tax evasion,
Defrauding customs duty.
These good citizens are the architects of economic slavery."

Warner urged his audience to heed to words from a generation ago and make sure when the time comes they never vote the PNM back into power.

"Do you remember the pictures in the newspapers before the 2002 General Elections? Do you remember seeing Mr. Manning campaigning with known criminals – assassins, drug dealers and murderers?

"Do you remember seeing him walking through Laventille with many deceased gang leaders by his side? Was he for sale then?" Warner asked.

"The number of gangs has increased, their territories have now expanded, their membership has grown. It is not that he is not for sale; it is that his value has depleted and no one wants to buy that," he said.

"This PNM squandermania brought the recession to our doors. $256 million wasted taxpayer dollars to prepare an LNG plant on unstable soil in Brighton, La Brea. Who will account for that?

"The Ministry of Finance Internal Audit Report identified problems of procurement in T&TEC’s street lighting project, which forced the Chairman of T&TEC to resign. Investigations were conducted and a report submitted.

"When will that report be made public and who will be held accountable for that? Insider trading at Home Mortgage Bank and the then PNM Treasurer benefits to the tune of $20 million dollars.

"Where is the transparency and accountability in that transaction?

"You promised to the Parliament Mr. Manning that the money would be returned. Why didn’t you tell us the cost of returning the money?"

Warner said, "The same Manning tries to illegally get rid of Marlene Coudray who was forced to go to court to protect her job.

"The same Manning presided over the Cabinet that illegally tried to deny Maha Sabha from a radio license, which was granted by the Courts of Trinidad and Tobago and when things start to backfire Like a Drama Queen Manning plays for your sympathy, calls the opposition drug dealers and suddenly death threats appear."

Warner accused the Manning government of "picking our pockets with Property Tax, filling the coffers to get more money to give to their friends, giving wealth to strangers while nationals live in poverty."

He urged everyone to unite in a common cause.

"Do not let race, religion, ethnicity, status, age or gender keep us apart; let us stand together as one...and build this movement to rebuild our nation."

He urged workers to expose corruption without fear. "They will declare war but we will show love. They will seek to destroy you but we will show them how we build. They will move to divide us but we will remain as one," he said.

"Let us shout from the hilltops and let it echo across the valleys that together, today we are One.

"Let us encourage each other with words of hope and let us never be separated; for we are One. Let us fight each battle standing side by side for together we can prevail as One.

"Let us stand united, there must be no divide and we can never fail as One."

In words reminiscent of former Karl Hudson Phillips, the former leader of the Organization for National Reconstruction, Warner concluded his speech with a political battle cry: "The PNM Must Go, Must Go, Must Go. The Power is in your hands!"

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai