The political leader of the United National Congress (UNC) acknowledged the event as one that brought citizens together "by a common intention to defend our rights and freedoms, to take back our country."
She said, "Poverty has united us. Fear has held us close. Thirst and Hunger have huddled us together.
"Each one of us is affected by the callousness, the contempt, the corruption, the ineptitude and the insularity of an elitist leadership that has long lost touch with the needs of the people."
She added, "If anything has brought us together it is the outrage at what the Manning administration has done to our country.
"We all suffer together. It is the great equalizer. The entire nation is reeling from scandal after scandal as people struggle to survive.
She served notice that the nation is fed up with the Manning administration: "Let us tell Patrick Manning we have had enough and we are not taking it anymore."
She added, "It does not matter if you are UNC, COP or PNM … you don’t have to be a member of a party or a union … each of us is a citizen of a nation in crisis. And no one is less important!
"Like the drops of water in the mighty ocean, we will together be a force that no one could stop."
The Opposition leader invoked God's grace and suggested that "our blessed is ruled over by God and no wicked government can take away our inherent blessings."
She remained on the divine theme almost as if she meant to use it as a weapon against Manning, who presents himself as a leader guided by spirituality.
"Today we have rekindled the flame of HOPE that had almost been extinguished by the orgy of crime, corruption, maladministration and patronage.
"If the VOICE of the PEOPLE is the VOICE of GOD, then GOD is among us today...And with God as our guide, let us pledge to never stop this march until we have achieved the mission of replacing a corrupt, dictatorial regime with a government of the people, for the people, by the people."
She also spoke of the strength of a united force. "None of us is as wise as all of us; none of us is as strong as all of us. Today we are united as a nation – one people under God, united in a common purpose to save our nation for all us and for generations to come.
"Stand firm. And let us join hands and walk together. And I tell you brothers and sisters, when we march as one, there is no force on earth that can stop us.
"The first step towards reconciliation, reunification and rebuilding of our nation has begun.
This is a victory of the people," Persad-Bissessar said.
She called on everyone to take a pledge "that we will continue to raise our voices and clamour for change until we are free again…Until criminals are behind bars and we no longer have to live in self imposed jails…
"Until we invest in our people instead of white elephants … Until we protect jobs and create opportunities for each one of us to have an opportunity for a better life...
"Until our children can be safe in schools….Until our hospitals have beds and medicine… Until we eradicate the drug trade that is destroying all of us…
"Let us together join and raise our hands and raise our voices in chorus: UNITED, WE STAND! UNITED, WE STAND! UNITED, WE STAND! The People’s Victory is finally at hand."
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