Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Marks gets a warm welcome on his return to the Senate

The opposition seats in the Trinidad and Tobago Senate had some new occupants Tuesday, but it was the former Senate leader Wade mark who got most of the attention, especially from Danny Montano, the president of the Senate.

Mark and Lyndira Oudit are the only two members who have returned. New Opposition leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar reinstated Oudit, who had been fired by Basdeo Panday and she decided to keep Mark after intense lobbying.

The new lineup includes former UNC Cabinet minister Mervyn Assam, who ran as a COP candidate in the 2007 general election but is there as a UNC member, since he had never revoked his lifetime membership in the UNC.

UNC deputy Leader Suruj Rambachan is the new Senate leader for the opposition. Verna St Rose-Greaves and the PSA's Christopher Joefield are the other new senators. However, Joefield's appointment is only temporary until the Senate concludes its business with the legislation to establish the Trinidad and Tobago Revenue Agency (TTRA).

Joefield will be replaced by attorney Reshard Khan, 32, from Debe.
Several PNM Senators hurled picong at Mark. "“We were worried for you,” they told him.

And Montano heaped praise on Mark. "I would also like to say, on a personal note, that I am very pleased to see Senator Mark back here," he said.

Montano added, "His experience goes a long way, and I am very glad it has been recognised , because certainly we recognise your great experience. Certainly I have benefitted greatly from your being here, and I thank you very much. I’m glad to see you back, Senator.”

Montano also praised former Opposition Senators Adesh Nanan, Mohammed Faisal Rahman, Jennifer Jones-Kernahan and Sharon Gopaul-McNicol noting their “many, many hours of hard work”.

He said, "They were loyal to their party and their country and to the people as a whole, and I think that we need to thank them and formally recognise them for that." His remak brough applause from the Senate.

Addressing the new members, Montano he looks forward to their contributions.

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