The leader of the United National Congress (UNC) had earlier filed a motion of no-confidence in Prime Minister Patrick Manning. And she said the findings of the international watchdog suggest that things are not right in Trinidad and Tobago.
Among issues cited in thee report, she noted, are:
- The absence of an Integrity Commission
- Seven vacant posts required under the T&T Constitution
- The postponement of local elections four times
- A draft constitution that threatens the independence of the judiciary
- Attempts to give take away the independence of service commissions
- Threats to limit free expression by the media and labour sectors
- The lack of effective accounting for international conferences
She noted that the report looked at the problems in Laventille and wondered why a country with 1.3 million people and some 8% growth and US $24,000 GDP cannot provide a reliable public bus and "other essential services to lift life chances of youths in Laventille who are more likely to die violently before age 30".
On UDeCOTT, Persad-Bissessar said the report addressed the relationship between Calder Hart’s wife and the principals of Sunway. And it also mentioned "unresolved queries" on Hart’s five salaries.
"The Global Integrity report pointed out that all of this is going on while UDeCOTT commandeers some ten billion dollars representing some 40% of national expenditure!" she said.
She said she used the contents of the report to put things in true perspective and to note that it isn’t the UNC alone saying this.
"It is an independent organization that researches and captures information on countries around the world for the purpose of compiling its Global Corruption Index which Trinidad and Tobago will appear in come 2011 long after the PNM would have been removed though," she said.
The opposition leader added, "Those are only some of the reasons why today the people have no confidence in the Prime Minister! That is why I have a motion of no confidence against PM Manning in the Parliament today on your behalf!
"That is why I sought the permission last Friday in the Parliament to have the matter of Calder Hart and his relationship to CH, which was awarded the multi million dollar contract, debated as a matter of urgent public importance".
The UNC leader spoke of her anger when "our very own founder and political soldier, none other than Basdeo Panday with the help of Kelvin Ramnath did not vote with us and so threw their support in with the PNM, defeating our motion which had been agreed to by the Speaker of the House."
She called it "one of the most spiteful, senseless acts of political stupidity and betrayal of the people."
She urged supporters not to let "these political sideshows and acts of sabotage" become distractions.
Commenting on the sudden resignation of Calder Hart, the Siparia MP said that is not the end of the story, but the beginning of a course of events which must see a forensic investigation where any and everyone connected to the scandal is held to account, "including Calder Hart’s most stout defender, Patrick Manning himself."
She added, "Every black cent of the nearly 10 billion dollars worth of projects conducted through UDeCOTT which is found to be corrupt must be given back to the Treasury!"
The UNC leader demanded an immediate forensic probe and called on the DPP and Commissioner of Police to lay charges appropriately. Persad-Bissessar said she is keeping a close eye on the government as the UdeCOTT scandal unfolds.
And she invited the country to come together Sunday March 28th for a "National Day of Reckoning", which will be a citizens' platform without a political identity.
She described the event as "A coming together of political organizations, labour, non governmental organizations and citizens activist groups each concerned with returning Trinidad and Tobago to good governance...a massive outpouring of support for the people.
"I leave you with these words of encouragement, to be strong knowing that your day of liberation is soon at hand. The government of Patrick Manning is in its last days. The victory of the people is assured," she promised.
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