Friday, March 5, 2010

Letter: Panday, Ramnath did not support PNM

I was present in the Parliament and saw that both Mr Panday and Mr Ramnath remained sitting as their gesture that they were not supporting the motion moved by Persad Bissessar.

There was no indication that either Mr Panday or Mr Ramnath supported the PNM as the question by the speaker requested the members of the Opposition to show who supported the motion.

Mr Panday told media personnel that Persad Bissessar did not indicate to him that she had intended to move such a motion.

Even in the Civil Service, supervisors are required to notify subordinates in advance of any action contemplated which may adversely affect them.

It was reported elsewhere, that Persad Bissessar said she had tried to contact Mr Panday but was unsuccessful. How was this done by telephone contact or fax? Was any registered mail sent to Mr Panday ?

From what we saw Persad Bissessar had a second "bounce up" with Mr Dookeran and had the time to have discussions with him and Mr Ramadhar, but not with Mr Panday.

If Persad Bissessar intends leading the party she must address the media and demonstrate the image of an independent tenacious and realistic individual if she is to go forward.

Ronalad Bhola - via email

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai