Henceforth, thus, he must be known far and wide as "Basedeo", no longer as "Basdeo", as there be no baser act than to turn against your own kith and kin when they strive to do good.
Don't know about you, but I was not not at all surprised, or disappointed, about Basedeo's latest obturation, when, clearly, endorsement was required, as, to him, politics has it's own morality.
All the same, I'm calling out those three of the UNC - Ramesh sold out himself with a handshake - who, yesterday, in the House of Representatives, temporarily frustrated the will of the people by their failing to endorse the new Opposition Leader’s effort to have Government urgently answer, if it could, to the allegations against UDeCOTT Chairman Calder Hart.
I'm exposing them because, except to the uninitiated, it's clear that they're on a death-wish mission - to force the new UNC to expel them.
And, what could be their reason for their now embracing kamikaze?
Well, once expelled from the UNC, they would be free to launch a new political party, for they prefer to be in a pond by themselves, father than lurk in one where their dominion has diminished.
Matters not to then that such selfish interest, once realized, shall fracture and frustrate all recently-releavened hope of one solid phalanx henceforth confronting the PNM nemesis.
But I have news for that trio: "We, the people, will have none of it! We've come too far to be beaten back! We're not gonna permit anything or anyone - except Sister Kamla herself - to derail Sister Kamla's train, for we, the people, know how muster, à la Solidarność!"
A word to the wise is sufficient. Until otherwise I say, "the wise" include Basedeo, Ramath and Ramesh.
Richard Wm. Thomas,
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