Sunday, January 31, 2010

PNM watching UNC development, says: "We are not sleeping"

The People’s National Movement (PNM) is getting its troops ready to battle Kamla Persad-Bissessar and the new United National Congress (UNC) following the landslide victory of the Siparia MP last Sunday.

A report in the Sunday Guardian states that PNM jefes are planning to meet Wednesday at Balisier House, to discuss "all pertinent issues causing disenchantment in constituencies."

The paper quoted a top source as saying: “We are strengthening and guarding the party. It is not that the United National Congress (UNC) is posing a threat to us, whether united or divided, because we are a strong party.

“However, what we have noticed is that there is disenchantment among the grassroots. Many people are not satisfied, and we are going to meet to discuss these issues.

“An election cannot be won without the grassroots, and we need to deal with the cries of the people. That is why the walkabouts have commenced.
If the issue is not addressed, then we can face some problems.”

The paper said the source also spoke about a Cabinet reshuffle.

“Some ministers have failed to perform. When the Prime Minister opted to bring new blood into the Cabinet, it was to get the job done efficiently.
Some of the ministers started off to work. However, some of them are too comfortable, and are not working as planned.

"Some of the previous ministers were removed from Cabinet because of this type of tardiness. The Prime Minister has said before that all ministers must be committed, and there will be no stopping until this happens.”

The paper said it was told by another PNM source party members were surprised by the overwhelming support for Persad-Bissessar.

It quoted the source as saying, “Her victory is something to be concerned about. What is our advantage is that the UNC continues to squabble over who will lead the party.

“Once they are united, we will face a challenge. If votes are added together, it will surpass the PNM, and this is proven by the results of the last election.

“We have lost some ground, because people on the grassroots level believe that they have been forgotten. We have to earn back that trust.

“Also, the controversial issue of corruption surrounding the Urban Development Corporation of T&T (Udecott) has tarnished the PNM.

"We fought the last general election on corruption, and now the circumstances surrounding the Brian Lara Stadium are scandalous, and we are not in a position to point fingers.

“We definitely need to strengthen our ground troops to win the next election.
“However, what we have in our favour is that we have not taken away any social programmes, and that is a plus for any party contesting an election.”

The Guaridan reported that PNM chairman Conrad Enill said the Government is not threatened by the victory of Persad-Bissessar.

“The PNM has always taken the view that at all times it will be responsive as it can be to the needs of the people of T&T. Anyone who wants to compete with us has to do so on that basis. As we continue to work, the people of T&T will determine who is best to lead them.

“The PNM is not sleeping. We have moved the economy from $12 billion to over $50 billion whilst in office. I will repeat: The PNM is not sleeping,” the paper quoted Enill as saying.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai