Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Partap says Kamla is ahead but won't say who he is supporting

Member of Parliament for Cumuto/Manzanilla, Harry Partap, is one of 10 MPs who signed a document last month declaring their unconditional support for United National Congress (UNC) leader Basdeo Panday in his bid for reelection as party leader.

But it's not certain if Partap will vote for Panday. Partap's son, Colin Partap, is running on a team headed by leadership candidate Kamla Persad-Bissessar who was in Biche a week ago for a campaign meeting.

Patrap is not saying who he will support in the January 24 vote, but Partap is quoted in the Trinidad Express as saying that the consensus among UNC voters is that Persad-Bissessar is ahead of Panday by at least 10 points, which is in conflict with a NACTA poll that puts her last.

He said, "the poll by NACTA is not making any sense in the rural communities".

Partap is a member of the elections committee so he is keeping his voting intentions secret. Last year, Panday appointed Partap as "caretaker" MP for Mayaro when he launched a fight against Ramjack.

Confidential sources at the UNC told JYOTI Monday that at least two MPs told Panday that they were uncomfortable with the attacks on Persad-Bissessar and asked to be left out of the Panday team.

They reportedly told Panday they do not wish to openly attack their colleague. The sources said Panday insisted that they remain on the team.

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Jai & Sero

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