Thursday, January 14, 2010

Panday says Sen. Oudit wanted to be on his team; that's not news, Oudit says

Basdeo Panday has told supporters of the United National Congress (UNC) that Senator Lyndira Oudit wrote a letter to him in December pledging support for him in his bid for reelection and offering to be a part of his team.

"You know this lady whom I appointed to the Senate, who is now on Kamla platform claiming she is the greatest thing, do you know this woman wrote a letter to me saying she wanted to be on my platform. You believe that, is that the kind of integrity you want?” he asked.

Panday read the letter, which stated in part: “I wish to indicate my full support to you as the internal elections approach. I also wish to inform you of my willingness to participate in this elections as a member of your team, if you so desire. I will be honoured to serve in any position you see as suitable for me."

He also revealed the Oudit's cell phone number.

JYOTI has seen the letter, which is dated December 7, 2009, in which the Senator pledged full support and offered herself to serve.

Oudit had acknowledged its contents in an interview with JYOTI on December 29, 2009.

She said while it is no secret that she wrote the letter. She said at the time she wrote the letter to Panday only two people had offered themselves for the leadership post - Panday and Tabaquite MP Ramesh L. Maharaj.

She told JYOTI "time and circumstance" caused her to change her mind.

She made that statement shortly after breaking ranks with her colleagues who had signed a letter of support for Panday. She refused to sign and instead said she would support Siparia MP Kamla Persad-Bissessar, who is running against Panday for the leadership.

Read the story:
Sen. Oudit didn't endorse Panday, supports Kamla

Panday also continued his attack on Persad-Bissessar Panday, speaking about what he calls her vulnerability and unsuitability to lead the party at this time.

He called her a failure, noting that she did not deliver on the many opportunities he gave her to demonstrate that she is a leader.

Panday repeated a statement that he has been making throughout the campaign that she failed at unity talks.

Persad-Bissessar was appointed by the UNC National Executive to head a committee to seek unity among the opposition.
She has said it is Panday who was the problem because the feedback that she got was that everybody wanted to unite but felt that Panday was not sincere about his desire to do it.

Persad-Bissessar's campaign focus in on her ability to unite the opposition, rebuild the party and win an election. But Panday insists that she is not fit to do any of those things.

“Your leader must be strong or else this party is going to be swallowed up,” he said in reference to suggestions that Persad-Bissessar would hand over the party to others if she became leader.

He offered an olive branch, saying there is still room for her in the UNC, but she first had to get "that monkey off her back".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So what if she indicated that she supports you. I supported you once, but does that mean I would continue to do so blindly and especially since you have sunk so deep into an abyss of drunken madness, of desperation. Could someone please explain to this man that he is further letting down those who once supported him. How can you expect, after these vicious attacks on people who stood by you all these years, people to even consider supporting you. We are fed up of the corruption, neglect, squandermania of the PNM. With you as leader of the UNC there can be no semblance of opposition unity, you have cussed everyone you know. Your latest, racist remark about Jack Warner is but yet another low, even from you.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai