Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Commentary: New UNC leadership to face intense scrutiny

Heartiest congratulations and heartfelt gratitude are owed to the sons and daughters of sugar for the rare good sense they exhibited on 24/1/10.

In rejecting the wiles and malice of a jaded Silver Fox and his sycophants they have rendered yeoman service to all. They have by their vote effectively pulled T&T back from the yawning abyss of national disaster into which they were being blindly led by both Manning and Panday.

Despite personal abuse and electoral skulduggery perpetrated against them by desperate party colleagues, the landslide victories of Kamla, Jack and their enlightened colleagues is but the first tentative step on the long and hazardous road to bloodless national redemption.

It is now incumbent upon a long suffering society, particularly that sector of which for economic advantage ("business as usual"), acclaimed Robinson's abuse of incumbency and the majority vote as Solomnic wisdom, to waste no time in boarding the freedom train.

This is no time for the hedging of bets. Clearly, who is not now with us can only be against us.

Unless, therefore, they are prepared to stand and be counted before the juggernaut of an opposition, united in all it's factions, gains momentum toward the dual objectives of banishing for ever a political mindset responsible for the surfeit of grief, privation and criminal anarchy which has been the PNM legacy since 24/12/01 and the restoration of peace, progress, equity and prosperity for all, without exception, they will be revealed as enemies of the people and may only expect to be treated accordingly.

By the same token, those who emerged victorious in the bruising contest of 24/1/10, must never, like too many predecessors on both sides of the ethno/political divide, submit to the all too human self delusion that their success was either a measure of personal omnipotence or a justification for ego inflation.

That would be a crass betrayal of the confidence invested in them and nothing will so completely dash any prospect of national unity thereby denying the nation any prospect of bloodless deliverance.

For any such failure they need not expect from their supporters the same affection, compassion and absolution which both Panday and Manning have enjoyed -- au contraire!

This is the moreso since under Panday the very term "opposition" was reduced to a synonym for personal self aggrandizement and unjustified ambition.

Both Jack, Kamla and their successful colleagues must recognise that from hereon they will be scrutinised and examined through the most critical and cynical of lenses, ever seeking the slightest justification for character assassination.

What they faced from Panday and his minions is but a pale reflection of what is to come. They have thus for the foreseeable future to present an unblemished public image.

Only thus can they fulfil the mission of presiding over a unified opposition which will bridge social, racial and class barriers and will be the foundation of a new, liberated and equitable society.

What is here envisaged is nothing less than a bloodless revolution which will, however, prove more enduring for the absence of both Basdeo Panday and ANR Robinson than its predecessor in 1986.

While the above may sound like a rerun of Mission Impossible, I know of no two individuals better equipped for that daunting mission, given the requisite level of public support and encouragement.

Permit me in closing to congratulate them both for a job well and cleanly done and assure them of my support and encouragement for the onerous task ahead.

Cry the beloved country.

TG Mendes I/net

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai