Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Senate gets its say on propery tax bill

The Senate begins debate Tuesday on the controversial property tax bill which has already passed the first legislative hurdle in the House of Representatives. The government passed the bill in the lower house just before Christmas, using its strong majority.

It has argued that it required only a simple majority, but that some politicians are saying that is not so because it deals with fundamental rights and requires a special majority.

Siparia MP Kamla Persad-Bissessar has served notice that she will challenge the legality of the bill, which imposes a three per cent tax on residential properties, beginning in the new year.

While the opposition has argued that the bill is harsh and oppressive the government has called it fair and has said it would actually save some homeowners money.

It's expected that there will be stiff opposition in the upper house from the six opposition members and at least some independent senators.

There is uncertainty about whether one opposition senator will be there. Lyndira Oudit put her Senate appointment on the line Monday when she announced that she is no longer supporting Basdeo Panday for the post of leader of the United National Congress (UNC) in the party's internal election on January, 24, 2010.

In an interview with JYOTI Monday night Oudit said she is unlikely to be in the Senate Tuesday because of a prior arrangement with Senate opposition leader, Wade Mark.
In a statement earlier Monday, Oudit distanced herself from a letter signed by 14 opposition legislators supporting Panday for UNC leader. She said while she initially wrote to Panday indicating her support for him, "time and circumstance" made her change her mind.

Read the story:
Sen. Oudit didn't endorse Panday, supports Kamla

UNC MP Roodlal Moonilal believes Oudit is playing political games. He told the Trinidad Guardian that at no time did the senator say she would not sign the document.

However, he said she never showed up for a meeting to discuss the matter and sign the document. As a result, although her name was on the document, her signature was absent.

The letter endorsing Panday contained the names of 10 MPs and five senators. The sixth opposition senator, Sharon Gopaul-McNicol, is not a member of the UNC. Oudit is the only UNC member who did not sign.

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Jai & Sero

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