Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sen. Oudit standing by her decision to support Kamla

On a day when the Trinidad and Tobago Senate was debating some of the most controversial pieces of tax legislation one of the six opposition Senators was absent.

Senator Lyndira Oudit had planned to speak on the property tax bill, but she was not in the chamber for the debate, which raised questions about what caused her to stay away.

Senate President Danny Montano cleared up the matter at the start of the session, advising members that Oudit was granted leave of absence because she was ill. The opposition asked for Raphael Cumberbatch to be sworn-in to act in her absence.

The day before, Oudit was healthy and well when she announced that she was not one of the people who signed a letter declaring unconditional support for Basdeo Panday in the UNC election on January 24, 2010. Panday is facing a challenge for the post from two MP's - Ramesh L. Maharaj and Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

On Sunday the Guardian and this blog reported that 10 MPs and five senators signed the document in support of Panday.

However, Oudit issued a media release Monday stating that she did not sign any such document. JYOTI obtained a copy of the document, which contained 15 names, including Oudit's. However there was no signature on the line accompanying her name.

Read the story:
MPs, Senators rally behind Panday for UNC leader
Read the story:
Kamla, Jack not bothered, still fighting to win

Oudit suggested that she was pressured to sign, but refused because she is now supporting Persad-Bissessar. She said having considered the matter carefully she now believes the Siparia MP is the best person to lead the party.

Opposition Senate leader Wade Mark was angry when questioned about the matter and local media reports quoted him as saying the political leader is the one to comment on it.

Panday is out of the country and not expected back home until the new hyear.

The Trinidad Express said it spoke with Oudit, who confirmed she was ill with the flu since last week.

She told the paper she is fully behind Persad-Bissessar and is ready to play an active role in her campaign.

She said she will encourage party members to support Persad-Bissessar, even if it means that she would be kicked out of the Senate.

"I have a future," she told the paper.

She also confirmed a JYOTI report Monday that she had initially written to Panday offering her support in his leadership bid and telling him she stands ready to serve on his team. That was before Persad-Bissessar entered the leadership race. She denied that.

Persad-Bissessar has welcomed Oudit's support. "I have said in this campaign ’go brave’ and I think she has gone brave and I thank her for her support."

Chagunas West MP Jack Warner has also supported Oudit's move and urged others to do the same.

Read the story:
Warner urges UNC to let conscience guide them in Jan. 24 vote

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