Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Warner urges UNC to let conscience guide them in Jan. 24 vote

Opposition Senator Lyndira Oudit was absent for Tuesday's crucial sitting of the Trinidad and Tobago Senate, one day after she publicly stated that she was putting her appointment at risk by supporting Kamla Persad-Bissessar for the leadership of the United national Congress (UNC) in the party's internal election on January 24, 2010.

Senate leader, Wade Mark, advised that Oudit was ill and a temporary senator was sworn-in to bring the opposition team to six.

In an immediate reaction to the developments, Chaguanas West MP Jack Warner commended Oudit's decision "to abstain from signing a forced endorsement letter in support of Basdeo Panday as UNC leader".

In a media release Tuesday he said, "Her refusal to be coerced into supporting the incumbent leader is a reflection of the independence of her thought processes and the fact that she is willing to face the Senatorial axe in the name of standing firm for her political beliefs."

He added, "That independence and strong will is the essence of the message that the platform for change has advocated for the last several months."

Warner, who is running for the post of UNC Chairman, said Oudit's decision to stand by her conscience "comes in the face of reports that other officers and councilors are now being coerced and pressured into supporting Basdeo Panday in the upcoming Party election."

He charged that the officials being compelled into endorsing Panday and his team of candidates and councillors are being told that if they refuse they will face "political ostracism: at the next Local Government Election.

"This is political intimidation at its worst and a worrisome signal of the gutter type tactics that some are prepared to use," he said.

Warner appealed to all Councillors and other elected Officers to let their conscience be their guide.

"Remain true and honest to your political beliefs and to your representation and do what is right and necessary to rekindle, rebrand and reimage the UNC."

He reminded them that the internal elections of the UNC would be "a defining moment in the Party's and the nation's history.

"The next generation would be reluctant to forgive us if we fail to be guided by the political spirit of change and if we fall prey to intimidation and political hounding and harassment."

He added, "Let us collectively ensure that democracy, ethics and morality be our guide, now and in the future."

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai