Saturday, December 19, 2009

Salary, perks more than $1.8M a year for UDeCOTT boss

The Trinidad and Tobago cabinet has renewed the contract of Calder Hart, the controversial Urban Development Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago (UDeCOTT) executive chairman.

The new contract gives Hart an improved compensation package, which, together with perks total more than $150,000 a month or nearly $2 million a year.

Hart is executive chairman of UDeCOTT, Home Mortgage Bank (HMB), National Insurance Board (NIB), the T&T Mortgage Finance Company (TTMF) and the National Insurance Property Development Company Ltd (Nipdec).

Finance Minister Karen Nunez-Tesheira made the disclosure in Parliament Friday in response to a question filed by Diego Martin West MP, Dr Keith Rowley.

The minister revealed that Hart was paid a bonus of $95,625 in September. The UDeCOTT boss also runs four other other state corporations and is paid $146,000 a month. This is in addition to several perks which include:
  • a motor vehicle (not to exceed $425,000)
  • $6,000 monthly housing allowance
  • $500 a month local telephone allowance
  • $500 a month cell phone allowance
  • $2,000 a month entertainment allowance
  • Insurance valued at twice his annual basic salary
  • UDeCOTT health plan-membership
  • Annual executive medical not exceeding $2,500 in value
  • Gratuity equivalent to 20 per cent of basic salary earned over the period of employment
Hart also has an allowance of $46,000 for foreign travel.

Commenting on the lucrative package for Hart, Rowley told the Trinidad Express it is an outrage that while Hart was trying to stop the UDeCOTT Commission of Inquiry from functioning, the cabinet was rewarding him with a renewed contract, a bonus and an improved remuneration package.

Rowley accused the government of discriminatory behaviour. He said while Hart is under investigation he is handsomely rewarded while the CEO of the North West Regional Authority (NWRHA) has been sent on leave pending an audit.

He noted that in the case of the NHRHA executive there are no allegations of impropriety "as far as I know" yet the same Government takes the position that Hart stays while he is under investigation by a "superior inquiry".

Rowley also challenged Nunez-Tesheira statement that the Public Sector Negotiations Committee determines Hart's package, calling it "nonsense".

He said the committee can only recommend and the relevant minister and cabinet have the authority to accept or reject the recommendations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One man could be getting such an obscene salary whilst children die because we can't afford them life saving surgery, a Minister can withdraw her investments and come to the nation and say she did nothing wrong, and all this condoned by the PM who kisses babies on election walk about, these people are shameless.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai