Monday, December 14, 2009

Kamla vs Ramesh as Bas takes a christmas vacation

Kamla Persad-Bissessar launches her campaigning for the leadership of the United National Congress (UNC) Monday night with a public meeting in the UNC heartland in central Trinidad.

The UNC deputy leader is running against Tabaquite MP Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj and the current UNC leader, Basdeo Panday.

She formally announced on Saturday that she is seeking the leadership to help rebuild the party, unite the opposition and win a general election.

She said is the best candidate to do that. On Monday night that is the message she will take to the party's membership.

Maharaj is also busy campaigning and on Sunday he was in Penal, telling people that he will win because of his track record and because of his close connection with the grassroots of the party.

He assured supporters that the people are financing not the campaign not any single financier.

"The people’s money going to fight this campaign," Maharaj told supporters at a small cottage meetings in Persad-Bissessar's cionstituency. "We will not have any big financier financing the campaign. We will not have one person or two persons with plenty money financing it," he said.

"No financier will be able to mortgage me. No financier will be able to have anything on me to say that we give you five million or ten million for a campaign," he added.

His campaign slogan for the contest is a variation of the Obama YES WE CAN. His battle cry is YES WE MUST.

And he made it clear that he is fighting for the integrity of the party in order to preserve its founding principles. He said UNC comes first.

UNC leader Basdeo Panday has suspended his campaign for the January 24,. 2010 election to spend Christmas in England. He has said when he returns he will launch a "vigorous campaign" to keep his job.

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