Thursday, November 5, 2009

What's the benefit of Manning-Panday meeting? - Warner

(Cartoon is from the Trinidad Guardian)

Basdeo Panday has responded to questions posed Wednesday by Jack Warner about the purpose and value of the opposition leader's meeting with Prime Minister Patrick Manning.

"The country knows what Mr Panday has bargained off to Mr. Manning, but they have not been told what Mr. Panday is getting in return," the Chaguanas West MP said in a media release.

Warner said Panday has long sung the chorus that Constitutional Reform must not be piecemeal, but "he has agreed to support Mr. Manning’s moves for Executive Presidency, even though the vast majority of the population is wary of the sweeping powers and immunities that come with that political model."

He also noted that Panday agreed to ease the pressure on the government regarding the legality of the Special Anti-Crime Unit (SAUTT).

"What is there to negotiate?" Warner asked, noting that the government has conceded repeatedly that SAUTT is not a legal entity and that legislation must be brought to Parliament to correct this situation.

"Did Mr. Panday agree to go soft on this issue? If he did then that is a selfish disservice to the nation," the deputy leader of the United National Congress (UNC) said.

"With the government pinned firmly against the ropes on these two issues, one cannot understand why the Leader of the Opposition would compromise on them, unless the trade-off is substantial," he said.

"For what price was this slice of our democracy sold?” he said.

Panday said Warner's statements show that he does not understand the Westminster system and they provide evidence that he is not fit to be a leader.

The former prime minister told the Trinidad Express, "First of all, a person who makes a statement like that clearly indicates that he has read nothing about the Constitution...because under the Westminster system, the leader of the Opposition and the Prime Minister meet from time to time and I have met with Dr Williams and I have met with Mr Chambers and Mr Robinson and so on, that is the usual process."

He added, "If that person was Prime Minister he will not meet with the Leader of the Opposition and if he was leader of the Opposition he will not meet with the Prime Minister, such a person is totally unfit to lead," in reference to Warner.

Warner had also wondered who was telling the truth about summoning the meeting since each had said the other inititated it.

Manning clarified that stating that Panday's version of events was correct and that it was he who asked for the meeting.
However, Manning blamed the confusion on "erronepus" media reports.

Read the story:Did Manning tell a lie?

Warner cautioned Panday to be wary of Manning and vice versa.

He referred to Manning's betrayal following the Crowne Plaza Accord "where investigations were promised into the Labidco and Caroni Racing Complex affairs and these have not materialized more than eight years later."

He added, "Mr. Manning should also be wary of Mr. Panday’s reputation for keeping his word."

Warner said, "When the Leader of Government and the Leader of the Opposition engage in the cutting of private deals and political accommodation then they are working as a team, adding that "such an alliance is unholy and poses a serious threat to democracy as there becomes no obstacle to dictatorship and tyranny."

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