Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Letter: What crap, Mr Panday?

I was disappointed today when I listened to Mr. Basdeo Panday during a radio interview.

For close to two hours Mr. Panday sought to answer questions from the moderator, in his typical style of sidestepping the question posed to him.

What was really disappointing though, was that close to the end, the Moderator asked Mr. Panday whether he was ready for calls from the public.

Mr. Panday exact reply was, “Why should we take calls? They have fellas line up to ask all kinda crap. They waiting to ask crap. We better off with continuing our intelligible chat and forget the calls”.

Of course the Moderator fell for this. He allowed Mr. Panday to escape without facing the scrutiny of the people.

I find this to be a slap in the face of the people. I wanted to call and ask Mr. Panday if he had raised the appointment to the Integrity Commission with Mr. Manning. Was that crap?

I wanted to ask Mr. Panday what he felt the Chinese slavery issue. Was that crap?

I wanted to ask him what is his role in the upcoming CHOGM. Was that crap?

I wanted to ask him what was his next step with the HCU depositors. Was that crap?

Would it have been crap to ask him how he planned to unite the Opposition?

If there was any doubt about Mr. Panday’s leadership style being autocratic and anti-people, I am now convinced.

If there was ever doubt that does not want to face the scrutiny of his supporters, I am now convinced. As a young person I dont find him appealing as a leader.

He does not motivate me. You have lost my vote Mr. Panday. And that’s no crap.

Nigel Salick | Penal, via email

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai