Thursday, November 5, 2009

Former HCU boss wants minister censured

Former president of the Hindu Credit Union (HCU) Harry Harnarine told reporters Wednesday he wants Minister of Finance Karen Tesheira taken before the Privileges Committee for misleading Parliament.

He made the comment in reference to the minister's explanation in the House of Representatives about why the government failed to bail out the HCU.

Harnarine said he was appalled at the statement that the finance ministry had “bent over backwards to help the HCU.”

He insisted that the government made no such efforts. Harnarine said he has a letter dated April 28, 2008 that is a rejection by the Finance Ministry of the HCU’s request for a $71 million loan. He said that alone is evidence that Nunez-Tesheira misled the Parliament.

Harnarine also denied a claim by the minister that the HCU tried to sell mortgaged properties. He also denied that the HCU owned a housing project in Chagunas as stated by the minister, saying the organization only had a fifty per cent stake in the development.

Harnarine said the HCU is working with attorneys to ensure Tesheira is made to account for what he called incorrect statements concerning a government bailout of the HCU.

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Jai & Sero

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