Sunday, October 25, 2009

Survey puts Manning as top choice for PM

The latest opinion survey conducted by the North American Caribbean Teachers Association (NACTA) suggests that there is widespread disenchantment with the government over the property tax in the budget and with its handling of UDeCOTT.

NACTA says the poll was conducted before last week's confrontation between Prime Minister Patrick Manning and former cabinet minister Dr Keith Rowley.

The organization says despite the problems facing the government, persons surveyed prefer the ruling People's National Movement (PNM) over the UNC and the COP and they believe Manning is the best choice for prime minister.

NACTA says it interviewed 580 likely voters comprising 38 per cent Afros, 42 per cent Indos, 18 per cent Mixed and two per cent "others". The poll has a margin of error of four per cent, it said. But it did not explain its methodlogy.

Some key findings:
  • Do you approve of the budget?: Yes, 16%; No, 72%, citing strong opposition to the new property tax
  • Do you approve of the Government’s handling of the Udecott affair: Yes, 26%, No, 58%
  • Are you happy with bthe way country is government?: No, 56%, Yes, 30%, No comment, 14%
  • Who's best choice for PM: Manning, 32%; Panday, 16%, Dookeran, 14%

On voter perception of the opposition NACTA said its survey revealed what the general public has been saying - the opposition needs to unite and find a new leader.

“The findings are not flattering to any of the parties with opposition supporters calling for the formation of a new political movement to take the country forward,” the poll claimed.

It said respondents agreed that both Winston Dookeran and Basdeo Panday should give up the leadership of their respective parties to allow both organizations to form a united opposition that could challenge the PNM and probably win an election.

Read Prof. Selwyn Ryan's commentary in the Trinidad Express: The UDeCOTT election: round 1

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai