Saturday, October 24, 2009

Panday says UNC executive has not received report on dropping charges against RAMJACK

United National Congress (UNC) leader Basdeo Panday said Friday his party's national executive has not received any recommendation on dropping charges against Ramjack members Jack Warner, Ramesh L. Maharaj and Winston "Gypsy" Peters.

"We are a party that operates by rules and the rules are that when a Disciplinary Committee is appointed, it reports to the Executive and the Executive considers its report. We have had no such report," he told local media.

Earlier this week the committee reported that it was recommending that all charges against the three men be dropped.

Read the story:
UNC drops all charges against RAMJACK trio
Read the editorial:
It's time to end the battles and unite to win the war

Warner and Maharaj won't be attending Sunday's Congress. The Chaguanas West MP is in Nigeria on FIFA business. He told JYOTI earlier this week that no one from his constituency would be attending as well "since my executive and I decided that we should not participate in a congress that has been summoned on the basis of a flawed membership list".

And he promised to challenge any decision that emerges from the congress "that is detrimental to Chaguanas West, members of the party, the people of Trinidad and Tobago and me".

He said Maharaj would also be absent "since he will be attending to matters in his constituency. Gypsy, however, shall be attending, for obvious reasons. We need to know officially what took place."

Read the story: Warner won't take legal action to stop UNC Congress

Commenting on the UNC's decision to invite Congress of the People (COP) leader Winston Dookeran to Sunday's UNC congress, Panday said it was a reciprocal move.

The COP had invited the UNC's Deputy Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar to its own in July. Some COP members booed when Persad-Bissessar mentioned Panday's name at the congress but the party's executive later apologised.

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Read the story:
Kamla gets an apology from COP

Dookeran is not attending the congress Sunday but has told the party top COP members Timothy Hamel-Smith and Robert Mayers would represent him and would be prepared to present the party's 'People's Charter' at the UNC Congress.

The UNC has advised Dookeran that the COP members would be "guests". UNC Deputy Leader Jack Warner is in Nigeria and won't be attending.

Panday also commented on the state of the UDeCOTT probe.

"I am sure of one thing, that nothing would come out of the UDeCOTT Enquiry. This Government, having been involved in such enormous corruption...will not allow this enquiry to operate properly and nothing will come out of it eventually. I said this when it (the Enquiry) was appointed and I stand by that statement."

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