However, it said it wants commissioners who appear to be biased to step down.
The ad is in response to statements by Diego Martin West MP Dr Keith Rowley on UDeCOTT's legal attempts to have all four members of the Uff commission resign. UDeCOTT has started legal proceedings to have the commissioners removed, charging apparent bias.
At a news conference Wednesday Rowley called on Prime Minister Patrick Manning to remove Calder Hart as UDeCOTT's chairman as urged the police chief and the Director of Public prosecutions (DPP) to investigate Hard based on evidence presented at the enquiry that is now in the public domain.
Read the story: Rowley demands criminal proceedings
"UDeCOTT does not intend to get into emotional arguments with anyone and particularly with those who have their own private agenda and commercial interests," the ad stated.
UDeCOTT stated that its counsel have examined in detail the action and conduct by members of the Commission and certain statements made by the Commissioners.
It said based on that "UDeCOTT is advised that certain members of the Commission have shown real and/or apparent bias against UDeCOTT and it truly believes that this is the case."
"UDeCOTT does not intend to seek suspension of the next of the Commission, due to start on September 7, 2009. Instead, UDeCOTT wants the hearing to go on and for certain members of the Commission to answer claims of bias against them," UDeCOTT said.
Rowley told the Trinidad Express he doesn't wish to get into a debate on the issue but stated that "anybody with common sense and two brain cells would realise what is going on."
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